

2024 clock, camera, display

Rhythm of the cave

A clock that stops when a person is on camera and moves when no person is on camera. Operates on battery power in situations where there is no power source, such as when moving.


Satellite Diaries | 衛星のダイアリー

The photographer takes 200~300 pictures around the motif over several days, changing the angle of the motif one day at a time. These are then generated into a three-dimensional model using photogrammetric software and output on a 3D printer..
*Photogrammetry... Photogrammetric method. A method of taking a 360° photograph of an object and analyzing the photographic image to create a 3D model. It is said to have originated in the mid-19th century.



2023 UV curable resin (printed by Stratasys)

Satellite Diaries

Banana and clay motifs were photographed over a period of 10 days. Photogrammetry → 3D output.



2022~ live stream

Fuzzy time


To initiate the step that typically manifests as a consequence of a specific action beforehand, thereby substituting a part of the original action process.
Consider, for example, a parfait. When consuming a parfait, there is a sequence that commences from the top layer of whipped cream (a) and goes to the bottom layer of corn flakes (b). Usually, it is towards the conclusion of this process that one's mouth encounters the corn flakes. However, in this context, advancing the encounter between your mouth and corn flakes by reaching the bottom layer (b') while already having corn flakes in one's mouth.


MAEGARI “Handmade Mask”

2022 video, mask, t-shirt, uv-print, acrylic, aluminium flame, motor

Making a mask while placing a part of the mask (cloth) that will eventually cover the mouth, in front of the mouth.



2021 video, chair, nylon-buckle, aluminum flame, motor

Building a chair while touching in advance the part of the chair (seat and backseat) which will touch the body when completed and sat on.



2020 video, chair, nylon-buckle, uv-print acrylic

Building a chair while touching in advance the part of the chair (seat and footrest) which will touch the body when completed and sat on.


MAEGARI “Telescope/NAOJ”

2020 video, telescope, nylon-buckle, finger cot, uv-print acrylic

Building a telescope with the face touching the part of the telescope (eyepiece) which will touch the face when completed and used.



2019 video, soccer ball, shuriken, banana sculpture, mirror

The Loch Ness KAPPA

A pantomime of gestures and gestures of a pantomime in each video; imagination in imagination.
